In 1894 it was the wish and prayer of a small group of people to have a church on the west side of Akron. The conference appointed the minister of North Hill Church to incorporate West Hill also. It was decided to build a small chapel on a leased lot at Woodland and Balch Sts. -- thus the name. Those interested in establishing a Methodist church donated lumber, brick--carpenters, painters, plasterers etc. donated their time. Total cost without furnishing was $600.00. It was dedicated April 21, 1895.

There were no members when the church was built, but 30 were taken in on dedication Sunday. Every service after that, the membership grew. Dr. Rider, the presiding elder on that first Sunday said “ever in my experience were the leadings of a Divine Providence more evident than in the establishment and organization of Woodland Church.”
When the lease expired, there were legal complications and a lot was purchased at Balch and Crosby, and in 1898 the little church was moved to that location. It was enlarged, but more room was still needed, so in 1901 it was sold and moved to a vacant lot and made into an apartment house. A brick and stone church was built and dedicated in Dec. 1902. As membership grew, more rooms were added in the lower level.

1935 is the first record of women attending Lakeside School of Christian Mission.

In 1940 the three women’ organizations -- Women’ Home Missionary, W. Foreign Missionary and Ladies Aid Society became one group called the W.S.C.S. (Women’ Society of Christian Service) which has always contributed to missions and provided financial support for local church activities.

In the 1940’ and 50’ we had an active basketball team -- City champions in the city church league, and many trophies are still on display.

In 1963 the Methodist Men’ Club existed but no date as to when it began. It’ purpose was for men to get better acquainted and find opportunity to be useful in church activities.

Woodland has always had an organization for young people. It was first called the Epworth League and later changed to the MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) for the purpose of religious training and proper social activities.

Changes in living and transportation had its effect on Woodland. People moved to the suburbs, and people who used to walk to church were now driving, creating a parking problem. Due to this and several other conditions, the congregation met and decided Woodland should relocate.

In 1959 a building-fund-canvass to purchase the land began. In 1960 an extension church began holding services at Litchfield Jr. High to start bringing i new members in that location.

In Oct. 1962 (the land having been purchased) plans were accepted by the congregation and a pledge campaign began to raise money for the construction of a new church.

In Jan. 1963 the congregation voted to accept that part of the master plan that could be constructed with the money pledged. Ground was broken July of 1963. Church was built and dedicated Oct. 1964.

Soon after we were situated, a Friendship Club was organized promoting Christian fellowship. Men’ Clu had pancake breakfasts. Women’ Society held Bazaars and Bake Sales.

A form of Woodland’ Service to the community is the Pre-School Nursery -- promoting good will as well as being of educational value. In 1967-68 we had a Minister of Visitation.

As members we have within the last 2-3 yrs. been subject to “hange”and been challenged to become “nvolved”within and outside the church. (This has had varying degrees of acceptance) As recent as 1969 members have been contacted to learn pertinent facts as to how the church could serve them better as well as they serve the church and God. (No record of results)

I Feb. 1971 a weekend lay witness program was held to promote love and communication, qualities needed in Christian Living. (Results?)

Interesting Facts:

Woodland has provided:

5 ministers
4 ministers of music
Two people in the Home Missionary Service

We now have our 18th minister

I call to this committee’ attention the Declaration we made at our Formal Opening Service in Oct. 1964 --

        “hat it be our responsibility that this church always be a place of worship to God and service to man.”

                                                Planning Committee Meeting Jan. 20, 1972